Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1936 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH PAGE FIVE a a A A First Wild Turkey Young Appear on Preserve JERSEYVILLE, May 28, (Special) --Employes on the d. G. Reddish land in the Nutwood Drainage and Levee District reported this week that a number of young wild turkeys have been observed there. The Reddish land included the 6000 acre state game preserve in Richwoods township a number of wild turkeys were released in that vicinity last fall. As many 48 25 young birds have ported the condition to Cummings who caught one of the young fighting males and placed him in a shed at the rico farm.

The bird will be taken from the locality and released in a more hospitable tone. a a a a a 179 Towns In Blate Lack Power SPRINOFIELD, May 28, (P) -The State Commerce Commission reported in a new directory that 178 Illinois communities, ranging in size from Goreville, Jackson County, with '531 population, to Phillipstown, White County village Consider "Plenooray" In Malls CHICAGO, May 28, (P) -Federal Judge James H. Wilkerson took under advisem*nt a securities and exchange commission petition to bar the organization: "Plenocracy" from using mails, on the grounds that Its literature promised A 30 per cent return on inveatments without mentioning. risk or chance of los: Government Attorney Horatio R. Rogers said "plenocracy," described "the science of abundance for all," operated cooperative farms at Downers Grove, Princeton, and Chesterton, Ind, of 47, were without electric service.

The Commission said seven had filed applicationa for service. Read Telegraph Want Ads Daily A A WHEREVER YOU GO WHATEVER YOU DO Memorial Day Starts at Sears OPEN TOMORROW (FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY (MEMORIAL DAY) been observed in one flock on the Reddish land. the War to the death existed among wild turkey gobblers on the land owned by Sam Rice in the State Game Preserve In Jersey county this week, according to County Game Warden Thomas Cummings. Two yearling gobblers attacked and killed a two year old gobbler then after 8 day of strenuous fighting, attacked each other.

Rice Keep Cool During the Holiday Men's Wash Pants Smart Patterns .00 All Sizes And COME in, men, and see this grand assortment of Going Up, wash trousers. We've made a point of giving Picnicking you a buckle-straps. wide variety Large of cuff new fabrics bottoms. and 28 to colors. 44 Side Large Size Picnic Definitely underpriced! I BASKETS Men's Men's Men's Covert Cotton Preshrunk Work Striped Covert Shirts Work to Cloth Work Pants $1.19 $1.00 69c Value 49c Cotion, heavy tuck- I Tropical Summer worsted, Dress Caps I Summer white, Men's Polo Shirts Men's Belts or made TURDY of splints, construction, strong colors.

button front, 3 tan. colors of white or 49 Easily quality worth leather 690- stitch, one pocket, summer patterns, in black or white, good double loop handles. Men's Shirts Shorts New Washable Ties Summer Hosiery movable cover hinged at Fancy pattern, fast Beautiful patterns in Newest patterns and sides. color ribbed shorts, cotton Shirts. Swiss summery colors Truly colors.

cotton mixed. Rayon Size and Others at 89c each- I marvelous value 10 to 12-Pair $1.00 Gallon Jugs $1.89 Camping Stools $1.19 Yacht Chairs 596--2 Cell Flashlight Brown Finish Sturdily Made Folding Type CHALLENGE With Batteries 72c 89c Friday 89c 49c Ground cork made of Only! back Chromium platInsulation, Flax- steel Rigidly frame posts. Bent for extra ed brass case, ed earthenware with strong comfort. focusing interior. Marv- striped cAnVAs nished natural, inch head.

Bulb elous value at seat. Foldu Gaily colored Included. 720- paotly! drill seat. Flashlight Batteries Going To Sears For Shoes FISHING for Men, Women, Men's "Biltwell" 4-STAR FEATURE $2.90 IF you $4.00, plan to spend this see Golden Jubilee "4 Star" value before you buy. Choose ventilated oXford or plain toe oxford in white; or ventilated oxford in black.

Sizes 6 to 11. Girls' Oxfords $2.59 .90 Value INTERCHANGEABLE tongue all white or with blue or brown. Comfortably made of good quality suede leather. Women's "Cordle" Oxfords, Boys' Oxfords, all white or brown, Boys, Girls, Children Everything You Need at Sears by 9 Ft. Telescope Rods DEVERSIBLE handle for fly or bait casting.

guides and top Nickel Steel plated telescope. reel seat Solid and ring band. cork Garnix grip. 150-fL. and 50 790 100 Assorted Hooks.

Special Sinkers, assorted sizes. Dozen ..120 Seine Twine, 15, 18, 24, 88-1b. teat. Galvanized Minnow Bucket, 8-qt. Silk Casting Line Steel Tackle Boxes 50 Yards Very Sturdy 50c 69c Japan silk, Cantilever Every fiber HAWA action, sheet specially.

WA- steel finished Smooth rustproof lock torproofed BLAST with cadmium, strong, 18-1b. and handle. test. Preserved Crawfish Worms, Jar Topwater Bass Files, each 250 Crapplo Files, each 150 Snelled Hooks, 6 for Minnow Seines, 6-ft. Child's Sandals Golfing Needs Camping Needs Golf Balls, 3 for Camp Stoves 2-burner type, lights instantly.

89c Value 49c clal Solid size conter, and weight offi- wire holds grate, pints tank $4.49 Mesh Marking Gasoline Lantern ALL White with leather New "Aristo" Irons air Singlo pump. burnor, bullt-in safety soles, 2 strap style. Fit Steel shafts, oval handle, black Brass tank $3.98 and unusually leather $1.98 Double Burner 55.18 comfortably cool. to Steel case, gray enamel, 10-Iba. Sizes Camp Ice Boxes Golf Bags capaoity, triple insulatedCool---Air-Lite $1:79 .79 .95 looks Snap $3.98 to Folding Cots only You'll find the bag you want Strong, durable Dundee cloth black, $1:00 at the price you're willing to top.

Sturdily reinforced, opens special at Golf Tees, pay 100 in here! 190 to Inch 72x25 $1.79 OPEN Road Maps to FRIDAY P. AND CO. Remember SEARS. ROEBUCK A Anyone Visiting NIGHT M. UNTIL ALTON, ILLINOIS 309 PIASA Our Tire Department Ask Your Neighbor About the COLDSPOT R.

H. Hamilton Named Principal Of Jersey Grades Has Been in Madison Schools: 36 Apply For Post ruplicants. Ho. was both on a farm In Hamilton County. Ha" was gradusted from.

four year course at Southwestern Itlinols State Teach-: et's College at: Carbondale. He recelved his bachelor's degree from University. of Illinois in 1926 and master's degree from Columbia University, New York, In 1930. He holds a state supervisory certificate endorsed for. life, which 18 the highest.

grade lasued in nols. Hamilton has served as principe: and high superintendent schools for of the both last grade 18 years, preparing himself. for this work by specializing in the field of administration: in both Illy nols and Columbia Universities. Hamilton came to Jerseyville com Madison, Ill, where has en in school work. "Our Philosophy of Lite" will be the thume of the baccalaureate sermon to be delivered to the class of Jersey Township High School, 8unday evening, The nineteenth volume of the the year, book edited by the senior class of Jersey Township High school is being.

distributed, The volume has been dedicated to Mark Twain, whose centennial 1s being celebrated, and special paragraphs this author's works are found throughout the edition. Another new feature of the book this year the Decade of Honor students from 1926 to 1938. The staff 18 88 follows: Edttor-in-Chief, Loretta Howe; assistant editor, Mariana Seversen; business manager, James Norris; 88- sistant business manage, Morelan Ringhausen; Dercab Gaither; assistant editor, Electo De Weal art editor, Mary F. Williams; subscription manager, Ellsworth: Miller; assistant subscription manager, Marian Downey, and. John Cannon; athletic editor, Reuel Roberts; Joke editor, Samuel Shedeker; typists, Dorothy Miller and Katherine Robinson: faculty advisor, Rebecca.

Newcomb. Mrs. Nelkelk: Showered JERSEYVILLE Mrs. Gilmore Nelkelk, recent. bride, was guest of honor at a kitchen shower given by Miss Loretta Howerat the home of her mother, Mrs.

Agnes Howe on Franklin avenue, Tuesday evening. Bunco was played during the eve-: ning and prizes were won by Miss Faith Arnold and Neikelk. Following the games luncheon WAS served. After the games the guest of honor was Invited to an adjoining room, where she found many gifts for the kitchen of her now home. Mrs.

Nelkelk formerly WAS Miss Wilma Flynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn of Jerseyville, Her marriage to Gilmore Nelkeik took place May 7. The bride and groom will later reside in Alton, where Nelkelk is employed in the steel works. Those at the party Tuesday were Mrs.

Neikelk, Miss Loretta, Howe. Miss Faith Arnold, Miss Mildred Watts, Miss Katherine: Miss Nola Isringhausen, Miss Frances Jane King and Miss Helen Flynn. First Communion For 16 JERSEYVILLE-A: class of 16 children will recelve. their first holy communion Sunday morning at the 8 o'clock mass in St. Francis Xavier's church.

other children of the school will receive communion In a body, Members the first communion class are Jo: Shortal, Betty. Thurston, Catherine Steckel, Mary Burns, Margaret Burns, Mary ElTracy, Mary Ann Pille, Agnes Joseph Walsh, Donald Walsh, Dwight Munsterman, Bobbie Sommers, Russel Binolair, Patrick Gibbons, Billy Schermerhorn JERSEYVILLE, May. 28. dal.) -Robert H. Hamilton has been employed by the board of education the grade school here as superintendent succeed A.

holt, who was automatically tired. under 60-yeAr ago limit placed on teachers. hate. Hamilton was from 86 and John Bray. Lions to.

Hear Pro Gridder JERSEYVILLE George Musso of professional foot- Beauty And the Beast DORIS: OLEVELAND AND BOLIVAR In spite of the fact that the night performances of the big circuses are exsot counterparts of that which is exhibited at the afternoon shows, there are many people who hold views to the contrary. Yet the conclusion is entirely erroneous, It is true: that the management "takes part of it away" from the show grounds in the late afternoon, but that which da removed is, in no way connected with ball player, will speak at the Lions Club luncheon June 12. Musso has. been playing football with the Ohicago' Bears, professional team, the last four years. While he was a high.

school student, Musso played basketball against teams from the Jersey Township High School. Jerseyville Notes JERSEYVILLE Miss Frances -Ware who has held position in the dietetics: department at Barnes Hospital In St. Louls for the last MOTOR OIL REDUCED Full bodied, heat resisting, compares with olls usually sold from 20e to 25c. 13-Plate Battery FULLY GUARANTEED Size Standard Plates $2.49 And Your Old Battery for Limited Time Only your car. Bulk Serviced Quart or in 8 Federal Tax Included 100 percent Vacuum Distilled SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.

309 Piasa St. Alton, Ill. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. ALL WOOL TRUNKS for the Man.

Who Wants Comfort and Freedom 1.09 $1.98 Value Popular Colors--All Sizes STURDY two-ply wool worated in ribbed stitch. High walsted model. with quality web bolt. Elastic sup. porter.

Stimulatod lined fly a front. Navy or royal. Sixes 28 40, Men's All Wool Worsted 1-Pc. Swim Suits $1.69 Boy' All Wool Worsted Trunks All Wool Worsted Lathing Suits $1.38 Men's Trunk Boys' Trunk, Belts 100 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 300 ALTON, ILL.

die of June. Miss Sunderland taught in Dow school the last three years and was principal of the sohool last year, but did not apply reemployment. Earl C. Adams of the Jersey Bank returned Wednesday from 8t. Louis, after attending a bankers convention.

willem F. Hanley, 0. G. Reddish, and Fred Heroid of the State Bank of Jerseyville attended session in the evening. of Mrs.

Alvin Embley's Baptist Sunday. school cites picmiked Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Juanita Mourning. The guests were Miss Heiderschied, Mrs. Truman Miss Dorothy Jewsbury, Roberta Shaw, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs.

Bernice Sears, Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Alvin Embley, Misa Florence Edwards, Miss: Eunice Birchber, Miss: Mary Florence Gledhille and Miss Leah Updike. Mr. and.

Mra. Seymour Howard and grandson, William Duncan, of Pleasantville, left Tuesday for their home following short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Dideledeln. Auto Damaged by Fire on Bethalto. Streets BETHALTO, May 28, The auto of J. V. Apple of Alton caught fire at 6:30 p.

on the streets here, burning off electric wirlpg. George Ellsperman, garage man, extinguished the fire. The auto other. than the wiring was not damaged. Fire.

wAs caused by short circuit in the Recovering From Long BETHALTO Sarah of Alton is visiting her son, the Rev. Robinson, pastor of the assembly of God Church. Mrs. Robinson, who recently observed her eightieth birthday; Is recuperating from illness that lasted winter. that which the public pays to see, It do merely a portion of the paraphernalla which has been used in the morning street parade, the tents which have been used throughout the day to house the hundreds of heavy draught horses, vast equipment of the dining tents or kitchens, and other "housekeeping" departments.

Bros. Circus will vialt Alton one day only, Sportsman Park, Tuesday, June: 9. few years, has resigned her work and will come to Jerseyville Sunday to make an. indefinite. visit at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank M. Ware. Miss Jean Sunderland, has accepted an office position in the department of neurology and paychiatry of the University. of Michigan Hospital at Ann Arbor, and will resume her duties the mid- Lincoln School Annual Social Friday Evening The annual social and supper of Lincoln.

grade school at Eleventh and Alton streets will be held Friday evening under auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. The event will open with cafeteria supper, serving. to begin at 5 p. In the evening there will be a puppet show in the school auditorium which has been arranged for the school by Miss Helen: Jun and. Mrs; Raymond Westover.

The subject tai "The Shoemaker and the. and the curtain is to rise at -As usual, there will be lunch and refreshment stands on the school grounds, and entertainment features for children. Mrs. W. Emong is the general chairman of the social' and with het committees is cooperating with teachers in preparations for the event.

OPEN FRIDAY: NIGHT UNTIL: 9 P.M. GOLDEN JUBILEE Have 8-Tube Performance with this Powerful "Silvertone" 6-Tube Auto Radio VALUE Auto Outstanding America's Radio Delivered, $50 Cash, $3 Down Plus Buyll Carrying Charge Compares with $40 to $50 Auto Radios 0 DOWERFUL 8-tube performance is obtained by use of an improved superheterodyne circuit with six Silvertone YEAR be tubes necessary secured and automatic a for all Six synchrome volume cars! inch control, dynamic power unit. speaker No Instrument tone rectifier panels control tube can 4-STAR JUBILEE FEATURE 5-TUBE AUTO RADIOS, $19.95 Passed by Sears Golden Jubilee Board of Review AS the Greatest Value in Sears 50 Years. CLIMAXING Qaab, $15 "Election Delivered, value Model" Streamlined 5-Tube on all Sides. "Silvertone" NLEAMING black bakelite cabinet with white dial Battleship chassis construction, 5-In.

Electro Dynamic Speaker, Gets Police Calls Has Built-In Aerial Buy Your Radio Tubes and Batteries at Sears and Save! Sears Will Test Your Tubes and Batteries FREE SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. 309 PIASA ALTON, ILL..

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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