List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (2024)

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List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (1)There are no approved revisions of this page, so it may not have been reviewed.

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All the predefined mathematical symbols from the TeX package are listed below. More symbols are available from extra packages.


  • 1 Greek letters
  • 2 Unary operators
  • 3 Relation operators
  • 4 Binary operators
  • 5 Negated binary relations
  • 6 Set and/or logic notation
  • 7 Geometry
  • 8 Delimiters
  • 9 Arrows
  • 10 Other symbols
  • 11 Trigonometric functions
  • 12 Notes
  • 13 External links

Greek letters

Greek letters
Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (2) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (3) \Alpha and \alpha List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (4) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (5) \Nu and \nu
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (6) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (7) \Beta and \beta List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (8) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (9) \Xi and \xi
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (10) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (11) \Gamma and \gamma List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (12) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (13) \Omicron and \omicron
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (14) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (15) \Delta and \delta List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (16), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (17) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (18) \Pi, \pi and \varpi
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (19), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (20) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (21) \Epsilon, \epsilon and \varepsilon List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (22), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (23) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (24) \Rho, \rho and \varrho
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (25) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (26) \Zeta and \zeta List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (27), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (28) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (29) \Sigma, \sigma and \varsigma
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (30) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (31) \Eta and \eta List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (32) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (33) \Tau and \tau
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (34), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (35) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (36) \Theta, \theta and \vartheta List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (37) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (38) \Upsilon and \upsilon
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (39) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (40) \Iota and \iota List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (41), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (42), and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (43) \Phi, \phi and \varphi
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (44), List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (45) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (46) \Kappa, \kappa and \varkappa List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (47) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (48) \Chi and \chi
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (49) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (50) \Lambda and \lambda List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (51) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (52) \Psi and \psi
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (53) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (54) \Mu and \mu List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (55) and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (56) \Omega and \omega
Archaic Greek letters
Symbol LaTeX
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (57) \Digamma
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (58) \digamma

Unary operators

Unary operators
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (59) + List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (60) - negation List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (61) ! factorial List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (62) \# primorial
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (63) \neg not

Relation operators

Relation operators
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (64) < is less than List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (65) > is greater than
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (66) \nless is not less than List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (67) \ngtr is not greater than
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (68) \leq is less than or equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (69) \geq is greater than or equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (70) \leqslant is less than or equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (71) \geqslant is greater than or equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (72) \nleq is neither less than nor equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (73) \ngeq is neither greater than nor equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (74) \nleqslant is neither less than nor equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (75) \ngeqslant is neither greater than nor equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (76) \prec precedes List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (77) \succ succeeds
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (78) \nprec doesn't precede List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (79) \nsucc doesn't succeed
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (80) \preceq precedes or equals List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (81) \succeq succeeds or equals
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (82) \npreceq neither precedes nor equals List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (83) \nsucceq neither succeeds nor equals
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (84) \ll List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (85) \gg
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (86) \lll List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (87) \ggg
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (88) \subset is a proper subset of List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (89) \supset is a proper superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (90) \not\subset is not a proper subset of List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (91) \not\supset is not a proper superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (92) \subseteq is a subset of List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (93) \supseteq is a superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (94) \nsubseteq is not a subset of List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (95) \nsupseteq is not a superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (96) \sqsubset List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (97) \sqsupset
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (98) \sqsubseteq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (99) \sqsupseteq
Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (100) = is equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (101) \doteq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (102) \equiv is equivalent to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (103) \approx is approximately
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (104) \cong is congruent to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (105) \simeq is similar or equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (106) \sim is similar to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (107) \propto is proportional to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (108) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (109) \neq or \ne is not equal to
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (110) \parallel is parallel with List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (111) \nparallel is not parallel with
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (112) \asymp is asymptotic to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (113) \bowtie
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (114) \vdash List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (115) \dashv
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (116) \in is member of List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (117) \ni owns, has member
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (118) \smile List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (119) \frown
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (120) \models models List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (121) \notin is not member of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (122) \perp is perpendicular with List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (123) \mid divides

Binary operators

Binary operators
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (124) \pm plus or minus List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (125) \cap set intersection List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (126) \diamond List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (127) \oplus
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (128) \mp minus or plus List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (129) \cup set union List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (130) \bigtriangleup List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (131) \ominus
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (132) \times multiplied by List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (133) \uplus multiset addition List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (134) \bigtriangledown List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (135) \otimes
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (136) \div divided by List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (137) \sqcap List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (138) \triangleleft List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (139) \oslash
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (140) \ast asterisk List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (141) \sqcup List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (142) \triangleright List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (143) \odot
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (144) \star List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (145) \vee List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (146) \bigcirc List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (147) \circ
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (148) \dagger List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (149) \wedge List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (150) \bullet List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (151) \setminus set difference
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (152) \ddagger List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (153) \cdot List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (154) \wr List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (155) \amalg

Negated binary relations

Negated binary operators
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (156) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (157) \neq or \ne is not equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (158) \notin is not member of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (159) \nless is not less than List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (160) \ngtr is not greater than
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (161) \nleq is not less than or equal to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (162) \ngeq is not greater than or equal to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (163) \nleqslant List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (164) \ngeqslant
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (165) \nleqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (166) \ngeqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (167) \lneq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (168) \gneq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (169) \lneqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (170) \gneqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (171) \lvertneqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (172) \gvertneqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (173) \lnsim List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (174) \gnsim
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (175) \lnapprox List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (176) \gnapprox
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (177) \nprec does not precede List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (178) \nsucc does not succeed
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (179) \npreceq neither precedes nor equals List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (180) \nsucceq neither succedes nor equals
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (181) \precneqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (182) \succneqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (183) \precnsim List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (184) \succnsim
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (185) \precnapprox List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (186) \succnapprox
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (187) \nsim is not similar to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (188) \ncong is not congruent to
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (189) \nshortmid List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (190) \nshortparallel
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (191) \nmid List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (192) \nparallel is not parallel with
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (193) \nvdash List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (194) \nvDash
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (195) \nVdash List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (196) \nVDash
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (197) \ntriangleleft List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (198) \ntriangleright
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (199) \ntrianglelefteq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (200) \ntrianglerighteq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (201) \nsubseteq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (202) \nsupseteq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (203) \nsubseteqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (204) \nsupseteqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (205) \subsetneq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (206) \supsetneq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (207) \varsubsetneq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (208) \varsupsetneq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (209) \subsetneqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (210) \supsetneqq
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (211) \varsubsetneqq List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (212) \varsupsetneqq

Set and/or logic notation

Set notation
Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (213) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (214), and List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (215) \O or \emptyset, and \varnothing the empty set
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (216) \N set of natural numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (217) \Z set of integers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (218) \Q set of rational numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (219) \mathbb{A} set of algebraic numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (220) \R set of real numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (221) \C set of complex numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (222) \mathbb{H} set of quaternions
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (223) \mathbb{O} set of octonions
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (224) \mathbb{S} set of sedenions
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (225) \in is member of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (226) \notin is not member of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (227) \ni owns (has member)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (228) \subset is proper subset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (229) \subseteq is subset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (230) \supset is proper superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (231) \supseteq is superset of
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (232) \cup set union
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (233) \cap set intersection
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (234) \setminus set difference
Logic notation
Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (235) \exists there exists at least one
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (236) \exists! there exists one and only one
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (237) \nexists there is no
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (238) \forall for all
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (239) \neg not (logical not)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (240) \lor or (logical or)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (241) \land and (logical and)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (242) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (243) \Longrightarrow or \implies implies
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (244) \Rightarrow (preferred for right implication)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (245) \Longleftarrow is implied by (only if)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (246) \Leftarrow (preferred for left implication)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (247) \iff is equivalent to (if and only if, iff)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (248) \Leftrightarrow (preferred for equivalence)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (249) \top
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (250) \bot


Geometry notation
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (251) \overline{\rm AB} segment List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (252) \overrightarrow{\rm AB} ray (half-line)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (253) \angle angle List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (254) \measuredangle measured angle
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (255) \triangle triangle List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (256) \square square
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (257) \cong congruent (same shape and size) List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (258) \ncong not congruent
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (259) \sim similar (same shape) List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (260) \nsim not similar
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (261) \| is parallel with List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (262) \nparallel is not parallel with
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (263) \perp is perpendicular to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (264) \not\perp is not perpendicular to


Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (265) | divides List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (266) \| divides unitarily, is parallel with List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (267) / slash List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (268) \backslash
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (269) ( \, left parenthesis List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (270) ) \, right parenthesis List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (271) [ \, left [square] bracket List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (272) ] \, right [square] bracket
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (273) \{ left brace List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (274) \} right brace List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (275) \langle left angle bracket List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (276) \rangle right angle bracket
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (277) \lceil ceiling (left) List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (278) \rceil ceiling (right) List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (279) \lfloor floor (left) List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (280) \rfloor floor (right)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (281) \ulcorner List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (282) \urcorner List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (283) \llcorner List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (284) \lrcorner


Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (285) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (286) \rightarrow or \to List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (287) \Rightarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (288) \longrightarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (289) \Longrightarrow
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (290) \mapsto List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (291) \longmapsto
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (292) or List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (293) \leftarrow or \gets List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (294) \Leftarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (295) \longleftarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (296) \Longleftarrow
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (297) \uparrow Knuth's up-arrow notation List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (298) \Uparrow
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (299) \downarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (300) \Downarrow
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (301) \updownarrow List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (302) \Updownarrow

Other symbols

Other symbols
Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (303) \partial partial derivative List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (304) \imath List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (305) \Re real part List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (306) \nabla del (vector calculus)
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (307) \eth List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (308) \jmath List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (309) \Im imaginary part List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (310) \Box
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (311) \hbar reduced Planck's constant List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (312) \ell List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (313) \wp [Weierstrass] powerset List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (314) \infty infinity

Hebrew lettters
Symbol LaTeX Comment
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (315) \aleph aleph numbers
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (316) \beth
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (317) \gimel

Trigonometric functions

Circular functions
The prefix arc used for inverse circular trigonometric functions is the abbreviation for arcus.
Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (318) \sin List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (319) \arcsin List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (320) \csc List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (321) \arccsc
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (322) \cos List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (323) \arccos List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (324) \sec List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (325) \arcsec
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (326) \tan List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (327) \arctan List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (328) \cot List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (329) \arccot

Hyperbolic functions
The abbreviations arcsinh, arccosh, etc., are commonly used for inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions (area hyperbolic functions), even though they are misnomers, since the prefix arc is the abbreviation for arcus, while the prefix ar stands for area.
Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX Symbol LaTeX
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (330) \sinh List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (331) \operatorname{arsinh} List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (332) \operatorname{csch} List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (333) \operatorname{arcsch}
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (334) \cosh List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (335) \operatorname{arcosh} List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (336) \operatorname{sech} List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (337) \operatorname{arsech}
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (338) \tanh List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (339) \operatorname{artanh} List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (340) \coth List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (341) \operatorname{arcoth}

Sections remaining to be done: Table 3 onwards from symbols.pdf(To do)[1]


  1. To do.

External links

Retrieved from ""


  • LaTeX
  • Mathematical symbols

Hidden category:

  • To do
List of LaTeX mathematical symbols (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.