Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

4 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH The outgoing and Incoming BuEIGHT Macoupin Towns Place Republicans in Office; One Votes Prohibition Hilyard Anti Liquor Vote Carries 161 To 136 CARLINVILLE, April 3, (Special) -Voters throughout Macoupin county went to the officers, polls, Tuesday to elect township and, in one instance to decide a local. option issue. Prohibition of the sale of liquor any place in the township carried in Hilyard, 161 to 136. In Brighton township the Republicans elected every one of their candidates. All Democratic candidates were elected at the township election Tuesday.

There were 1976 people who voted. Truman Perrottet defeated Earl P. Remling for assistant supervisor by A vote of 970 to 826. William F. Loehr defeated John H.

Glander for highway commissioner, of 1116 to 827.. Two were elected justices of the peace to' fill vacancies. J. 0. Anderson received 949 votes and G.

W. Trover, 1110. Both are Democrats. The Republicans were Albert F. Straub 863, and J.

H. McDonald 626. M. M. Fuller defeated Frank Welte for.

constable 980 to 858. Paul' W. Rosentreter defeated Harry Lange for school trustee, 1070 to 795. G. 0.

P. Wins 2 of. 3 GILLESPIE, April 3, (Special)Republicans won a sweeping victory in Gillespie township's election Tuesday, their candidates winning two of three contests they entered. Frank Clark, Republican, defeated George Sawyer, Democrat; 974 to 932, for supervisor, and Wil11am Wyatt, also Republican, WAS elected highway commissioner over Juke Andrews, 1069 to 876 while Norman Campbell, Independent, polled 65. The Democrats won their lone contest in the race for assistant supervisor, where Benjamin Henry WES elected over Walter Orr, 883 to 713.

William Heyen, Democrat, WES unopposed for town school Levies adopted at the town meeting held during, the afternoon totalled $6600, Justice of the Peace George Angelo presided as moderator. Supervisor A. Hackman's reports were approved. 18 on Ballot STAUNTON, April 3, of (Special)Amid an outpouring candidates which brought names of 13 on the ballot, Staunton township voters went to the polls Tuesday. The Citizens Ticket placed two members on the Macoupin County Board of Supervisors, electing J.

M. supervisor and Henry Beinke assistant. Fred Goekel, Independent, WAS elected highway commissioner in a field of seven candidates. The supervisor vote was Coerver, 1009; William G. Larson, Independent, 905; and August Hushman, People's, 421.

For assistant supervisor, Blenke, 317; John Hochmutz, Independent; 780. For commissioner, Goekel, 843; Otto Ruehrup, Citizens', 588; David Odorizzl, People's, 242; Henry Goehe, Independent Democrat, 138; Ohester Eller, Progressive, 86; Calvin T. Bruce, Labor, 180; W. T. Hesse, Progressive Labor, 287, Win Every Contest SHIPMAN, April 3, (Special)While Hilyard township was getting its share of the attention in Tuesday's township elections by voting in prohibition, Shipman township was staging what in these days might amount to a Republican landalide by electing men from that party to every town post voted on.

In Shipman Will J. Winslade scored 277 to 208. victory over Frank Reno, Democrat; to be elected supervisor. Winslade is NOW Frank E. Allen was elected ence Moore, 301 to 185, while E.

B. highway commissioner over ClarBelton was elected sohool trustee over Herbert Ruyle, 245 to 223. In Hilyard, the Democrats lost two of four contests, and the Republicans made it close in all cases. Robert Drew, Democrat, beat Frank Simmermaker, Republican, 181 to 151; and Charles Fritz edged out 1. R.

Coombes, Republican, 154 to 150 for justice of the peace; but T. H. Edsall, Republican, beat Otto Orgy for constable, 189 to 107, while W. A. Jewell, also a RepubMoan, was cleated school trustee over John Hilyard, 168 to 133.

Clean Sweep for G. 0, P. BRIGHTON, April 3, (Special)Republicans of Brighton township swept to a clean victory in every office submitted to the. voters Tuesday, Their candidate, Newell' Strohback, was elected supervisor over WEAK ANKLES STRAINS. SPRAINS Strengthened Jung's Ankle Brace quickly rollevea and correct weak and corrects weak sprains by Armly supporting and foot.

Nothing like it. better. fools better and lasts Doss not wrinkle Instep or up at each $1.47 BARTH'S PHARMACY Drag Fiere Since 1901 APRIL 3, 1935 WEDNESDAY, Names Committee On Egg Hunt of Wood River Lions Club Hears President Thompson of Shurtleff WOOD -President P. M. Thank You Voters OF THE FIFTH WARD appreciate your role and rapport which you gave in yasterday's Election, Jerry Kennedy I WALLPAPER New Colors New Designs Our selection includes everything that Is new, attractive and different.

UNITED PAINT AND WALLPAPER CO. 811 Belle St. Thompson of 8burtleff College spoke Tuesday, noon to the Lions Club, His discourse was based upon "The Upward Trend of Civilization." Plans for the Lions Easter ega hunt were made. Zeno Stoecklin, chairman, ap. pointed the following Lions to A.

sist him: Joseph Schanafelt, Neuhaus, O. Hall, O. Schmidt, Harry Ringering, Dr. Wethe, E. L.

Kimmel. The hunt will be held Easter Sunday at 1:30. Six thousand candy egge will be distributed for the A special meeting of the Easter egg hunt committee will be held Thursday night. Dies of Dog Bite Infection. PEORIA, April -Miss Christine Weinstein, 25 years of Morton, died In A Peoria hospital of an infection physicians sald developed after she was bitten by dog.

To the People Of ALTON: I sincerely appreciate the compliment that you have just paid me by electing me mayor of our city. I take this opportunity of thanking you all. Otto J. Hoffman Card of Thanks To The Voters of Alton Township: I. wish to extend to all may heartfelt.

appreciation for the many votes that I recalved for Assistant Supervisor. Wish to assure you that I will do my utmost to fulfill my duties in the best possible manner for the betterment of Madison County. Again thanking the many voters, I remain Your Respectfully, H. Wm. Bauer Thank You Voters For your generous support in electing me to the office of Police Magistrate at yesterday's election.

Thomas Parker REN To the Voters of the Second WardI wish to thank my many friends who voted and supported me and made my election possible yesterday. Vincent E. Mullen Thank You! I wish to express my appreciation to the voters of Alton for their Ane support and pledge my bast efforts in the office of Supervisor. FRANK GIRARD PILES HEAL KNIFE Scout Board of Review April 26 For Wood WOOD RIVER, April 8- The Wood River district committee, Plasa Bird Council, 'Boy Scouts. Tuesday held a short business meetover which 8.

Langner aided. Charles Baker, finance chairman, gave a brief outline and summary ol the coming membership campaign. William Stoneham was appointed publicity chairman for the drive, and the Rev. F. W.

Pimlott, arrangements chalrman. William A. Grove, camping chairman, reported on the outdoor activittes of the district troops, He also explained a new systom whereby each troop makes a monthly reon Its outdoor activities. port, court honor report given by William Stoneham, chairman. The Board of Review will be held Friday night, April 26, at the American Legion Hall.

Stoneham also pointed out the need for merit badge counselors in the rimtrict. The activities committee made brief report op its calendar for 1935. According to Dr. L. Leever, chair.

man, the following major activitiss will be carried on: District camporee, a district parade and circus, district scouter's round-up, and 8 district swimming E. Breitweiser, mecubbing chairman, reported on the progress of cubbing. Following his report the troop representatives gave their reports and the mecting adjourned. Rev. Brummer Guest Speaker WOOD RIVER Rev.

Orville Brummer will speak at the Liberty Prairie Presbyterian Church Bunday evening, by invitation of Miss Bertha Kayser, clerk of session. Monday evening, April 1 the Council of the Evangelical Ohurch $427 April 15 on the church debt. discussed the arrangements The Council also gave permission for the pastor to absent Sunday, April 28, in order that he might accept an invitation to address the Northwestern Cooperative Congress in Chicago. The Council accepted May 12 0.8 the tentative date for the first outing and basket supper. During the service Sunday mornIng, April 7 the treasurer.

of the congregation, Walter Hubbard, will give a brief report the first quarter of the church year. The regular mid- Lenten Why You Should Never Cut a Corn If you are troubled with corns or louses, do not run the risk of blood poison by paring them. Btatistics show that many infections have occurred from this seemingly innocent praction of ing corns. Simply go to your druggist and get few cents worth of Ica-Mint, rub littie on any painful corn or callous. 1m- modiately the pain will disappear and in short time the corn or callous will loosen and lift off easily with the gers TODE and all leaving the surrounding skin in a healthy normal condition.

This, together with the fact that IceMint overcomes such affections sore sired, 'aching, putted or burning feet and makes them cool, easy and comfortable, da probably responsible for the hearty endorsem*nt given it by druggists, To rid one's feet of every hard COTE, salt corn, corn between the toes or tul callouses 10 such pleasant and sate way, makes 16 scem the height of folly for ANYONE pare corn and people Are warned to stop 16-ADV. devotions today Included discusson of "The Sin That Cannot Be Forgiven." Millikin Department Head Honored WOOD RIVER-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gieht entertained Tuesday evening at dinner at their home, 635 East Penning avenue, complimenting Dr. Saldee Stark, head of the home econumics department of James Millikin.

University, who WAS their oyernight guest. Guests at the dinner were Mrs, Ruth Edwards and daughter, Miss Melba, and Mrs. J. F. Traband and daughter, Miss Arsh Belle, Miss Edwards and Miss Traband are students at Millikin.

Library Board Meeting WOOD RIVER--The next regular meeting the Library Board will be held at the Library Thursday evening at 7:30. Order Uniforms WOOD RIVER--The American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps will rehearse Thursday night at the gion Home. The new uniforms are being ordered. Contract Club Meets WOOD RIVER C. L.

McKinney was hostess to her contract club at her home on Prospect street Tuesday afternoon. Bell's Entertain WOOD RIVER--Mr. And Mrs. Russell Bell entertained their Couples Club Saturday night with 8 6 o'clock dinner. Four tables were occupled at bridge.

Mr. Mrs. F. E. Isaminger, Dr, and Mra.

D. Kimmel Lumley, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

were' the prize winners. Quilting WOOD RIVER--The Ladies Aid Soclety of the Baptist church held an all-day quilting meeting at the home of Mrs. Lee Lancaster on Lorena avenue Tuesday. Executive Board Meeting WOOD RIVER--The executive board of the Wood River Club held a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Girl Scout Little House on Lorena avenue, Norma Jean Lancaster Honored WOOD RIVER- -Norma Jean Lencaster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Lancaster, observed her twelfth birthday with A party at her home Tuesday evening. The guests were Norma's Remodel House WOOD RIVER-Mr. and Mra. August Dietiker have reinodeled the house at 203 Ninth street, Into two-family apartment, and have moved to their brick residence across the street, 208 Ninth. They will occupy the entire first floor.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hicks have moved upstairs at 203 Ninth and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ohley have taken the downstairs apartment at that number.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stover of Alton are occupying an apartment upstairs at 208 Ninth, having moved this week. Bowman's Mark Annivetsary WOOD RIVER A group of Wood River friends surprised Mr. and Mrs.

Arch Bowman at their home in Roxana Saturday night in observance of their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. Twenty persons attended. Refreshments brought by the guests were served. Wood River Notes T. Greer family of EdwardsWOOD RIVER Mr.

and Mrs. Li ville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Dippel. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Berninger of Overland, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Custer. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Illinois State Bank OF EAST ALTON EAST ALTON, ILL.

transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of businesa 4th day of March, 1935. RESOURCES 1. Cash and due from banks 755,191.97 2. Outside checks and other cash items NONE 3. United States Government obligations, direct and-or fully guaranteed 170,144.45 Other bonds, atocks and securities 125,817.00 5.

Loans and discounts 294,617.37 6. Overdrafts 12.75 7. Banking house Furniture. and fixtures $14,580.63 38,824.53 8. Other real estate 10,011.23 9.

Customers' lability under letters of credit NONE 10, Customers' liability Account of acceptances NONE 11. resources 206.25 Grand Total Resources $1,400,825.56 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock 50,000.00 13. Income debentures capital pates NONE 14, Surplus 50,000.00 15, Undivided Pronts (Net) 6,159.75 10. Reserve accounta 28,435.44 17.

Demand deposita 1,108,359.09 18. Time deposits 157,883.27 19. Due to banks NONE Total of deposits: (1) Socured by pledge of towns and -or investments NONE ca) Not secured by pledge of loans and-or investments $1,260,222.38 (3) Total deposits 20. Bills payable NONE 31. NONE 22.

Dividenda unpaid 8.00 23. Letters of credit NONE 24. Bank acceptances NONE 25. Other liabilities NONE Grand Total Liabilities $1,400,825.56 Memorandum: Loans and Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 20. Loans and investments plodged: (a) U.

8. Government obligations direct -or fully guaranteed NONE (b) Other bonds, stocks and securities NONE (o) Loans and discounts NONE Total Pledged (excluding re-discounta) NONE 21. Pledged: (a) Againat B. Government and postal savings deposits NONE (b) Against funds of State of Illinois NONE (o) Against deposits of Trust Department (Federal Re. serve Member Banks only) NONE.

(d) Against other deposits NONE NONE: Against borrowings () With Publio Accounts to qualify for the Exercise of Fiduciary powers. NONE (g) For other purposes NONE Total Pledged NONS' HERMAN V. MEYER, Cashier a phon bove named bank, do solempty swear that the above statemant la trun to the best of my knowledge and ballet, and that the Itema and amounts shown above agree with the Items and amounta shown in the report made to the Auditor of Publia Accounta. State of Illinoia, pursuant to law, V. MIXER.

Cashier. Directors. STATE OP ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF MADISON, Subscribed and sworn to before me. thin and A RICKS. 1955.

(BEAL) Notary Puble the Salaries of following township officers, levies were election expenses, $100; Incidentals, assestownship, $200; and the incoming highway pervisor, commissioner were authorized possibility of measures investigate appropriations the for relief pauper fund, fund here. $1000. One dollars of the pauper be administered under the Telegraph Want Ads Daily Act, for indigent Read F. L. stampe, 833 to 267: Thomas Hughes elected highway commissioner over John Kruse, 344 to 260; and William Heyer was elected school trustee over William Maher, 421 to 172.

The Bogardus Act Veterans Aid Bureau appropriation for the townincreased to $300 from Its ship was 1934 figure. at the town meeting in the afternoon, while the town pauper levy $800, 85 compared to $700 of last year. The general town levy was left at $1700. Elect Two Republicans CHESTERFIELD, April 3, (8pe-Chesterfield township Tuesday. elected two Republicans to office It made Robert Duckels highway commissioner, giving him to 104 for 8.

H. Heyen, Democrat: and elected J. Dowland school trustee over Louis Maska, Democrat, 258 to 160. Finis Wade, 8 Democrat, without WAS elected justice of the peace opposition. Western Mound township, adjoining, sent four Democrats Into office, Ira Bates defeating Charles Chism for supervisor, 137 to 115; Carl Elllot being elected highway commissioner over Paul Rands, 170 to 83; Rogers being named school trustee over Eugene Lee, 183 to 133; Thomas and Ed Proctor being elected constable over James Bates, 197 to 147.

In Pope, another neighboring township, the pendulum took another swing, and three Republicans were Walter to 147 for superelected. Herman, Rhoads beat visor; John Meyers WAS elected highway commissioner over Jesse Sanders, 152 to 144; and Chester Bullard was elected school trustee over James Sauerwein, 156 to 133. Bunker Hill Raises Levy BUNKER HILL, April 3-(Spe-Voting in a 20-cent road town- olling tax, voters of Bunker Hill ship elected four officers Tuesday. D. H.

Rull, a Republican, defeated William 1 Dillard, 581 to 572, for Thompson Lloyd of Woodburn, 8 Democrat, won the supervisor; highway commissioner contest from Lester Tunley, also of Woodburn, A Jacob Mamie of Bunker Hill and Republican, 662 to 482. Charles Welch of Woodburn, both over O. A. Wood, Democrat, pollRepublicans, were elected justices ing 589 and 562 votes respectively to Wood's 503. Charles Weldner, Republican, edged out William Behrens, 561 to 525 for constable, Town levles totalling $500 more than last year's were adopted aC the annual meeting.

The levies of the tow years compared: Purpose 1934 1935 Pauper $1750 $2000 Bogardus Act 500 500 Town Purposes 750 1000 Totals $3500 Shipman to Seek Relief Projects SHIPMAN, April 3, (Special) -At the town meeting Tuesday afterEXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, executor of the estate of Mary Ann notice Mellenthin, that de- he ceased, hereby give will appear before the Probate Court of Madison County, at the Court House in Edwardsville on the First Monday. of June next, at which all persons having claims against said estate are notitied to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. this 29th day March A. D. CHARLIES HENRY MELLENTHIN, Executor, HENRY B.

EATON, Attorney for Estate, Edwardsville, Illinois. Attost: GEO. P. SMITH, Probate Clerk. APRIL 3-10-17, 1935.

Voters Foster Township Wish to Thank You for Your Support in Electing Me Highway Commissioner JOHN H. STUTZ YOU'LL WANT TO ATTEND THE NORGE I SCHOOL Horne Economies AND Cold Cookery 2 P. M. Thursday, April 4th WOOD RIVER THEATER Sponsored by STOCKER PLUMBING and HEATING CO. 64 Lorens Ave.

Wood River FESS UP, MR. STORK! Where's the happy event? When's the happy event? What's that? We'll know all about it, Tomorrow? PERFECT COFFEE EVERY TIME. BE 300 WITH THE NEW Coleman Electro MAKER It's One of the "Chosen Few" That Comprise Our Splendid Assortment Automatically and like magic, the pump stops at the right time for the coffee to be just right! And it's so attractive that you'll enjoy seeing it on your table as well as the coffee it makes. Clear glass with decorative bands and black bakelite base. 8-cup capacity, $9.90 Carrying Charge Added for Convenient Terms Alton Light Power Company Hours: 8 to 5 Dally-9 p.

m. Saturday See Electric Percolators Shown By Your Dealer Ask your neighbor Ask her how she saved more than the price of her Kenmore the first year why her clothes last longer how fresh and sweet-smelling her linens are now. "My KENMORE WASHER Leaves Clothes Snowy White" The safest water washIng action known is Kenmore's triple-vane alumInum gyrator. Gently, but thoroughly this scientifio aotion swishes and swirls the rich, soapy suds through every tibre in the cloth. Highly pollahed ourfaces reduce wear, There is nothing for clothes to wrap around and tear.

The result Is clothes snowy white ready for the line and nature's sunshine. 1.95 $5 down. $5 month. Plus small carping charge. SEARS, ROEBUCK 309 Piasa Alton, Illinois..

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.